Saturday, January 29, 2011

Version 1.0.2 Available

Version 1.0.2 is in the marketplace.
This version fixes a SQLite error when saving location data.

Version 1.01 Available

Version 1.01 is now in the marketplace.
For this version, I removed the temperature and pressure values from the location, changed the domain name for the Geonames download site, added find location from the network, cell tower/WiFi, if GPS is not available or disabled, and added icons to all the menus.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Version 1.0 Available

Planets Position is now in the Android Marketplace for free.

With this app, you can calculate the position of all the planets in the sky at any time and at any location on Earth.
You can calculate the position of an individual planet for any time between the years 1900 to 2100.
You can also see a list of all the planets that are above the horizon at your device's current date and time.

Below are some screenshots:

To download this app, use the following QR code:

For people without access to the Android Marketplace, use this github link.

This source code is available under GPLv3 at github.

Any feedback can be sent to

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Site

This is the site for the upcoming Android app Planets Position. I will be submitting it to the marketplace shortly.

This app will compute and display the coordinates of the nine planets and the moon in the sky for any place on Earth.